Fantasy Reports:

  • Date range
  • Service ID
Result: Total Subs and Unsubs of the selected service for the given date range.
  • Month
Result: Subs and Unsubs for all services of the selected month.
  • Month
Result: Daily (day by day) Subs for all services of the selected month.
  • Date range
Result: Same day Unsubscribers (people who unsubscribed the service the same day they subscribed) for all days in the selected date range.
  • Month
Result: Same month Unsubscribers (people who unsubscribed the service the same month they subscribed) of the selected month.
  • Month
Result: Monthly userbase (people who were subscribed and billed in each day) of the selected month.
  • Date
Result: Day by Day subscribers (people who were subscribed and billed) of the selected date.
  • Date
Result: Monthly revenue Total revenue in case of Iraq.
  • Date
Result: Daily (day by day) App Activations for all services of the selected month.
  • Date
Result: Weekly Unsubs for all services of the Subs of selected date.
  • Date
Result: Selected range Unsubs for all services of the Subs of selected date.